Zetas in Action is the leading voice elevating issues impacting people of color and shaping the public policy environment by being a catalyst for change that improves the lives of the disenfranchised and gives rise to equitable, thriving communities of color across the globe.
Expanding and supporting global policy and electoral impact by fighting for social, health, and economic justice.
Zetas in Action was created to expand the global social action platform of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. by engaging in unlimited multi-party lobbying on timely and relevant legislative issues related to social, health, and economic justice and support limited electoral engagement that positively impacts communities of color.
NOW- November 5th 2024
Get Out The Vote Campaign
Focused on the following swing states:
The Zetas In Action “Get Out The Vote Campaign is currently underway!
November 5th 2024
Building A Movement
Zetas in Action will build a grassroots movement of advocates around the nation to positively impact communities of color.
Keeping Our Sisterhood Informed
As we map our strategy for 2024 and beyond, we are staying abreast of the evolving political and legislative environments and are analyzing the electoral arena to position Zetas in Action for greater impact.
We have divided the US into subgroups with board liaisons, and have noted the dates of their legislative sessions, state election dates and party control of their executive and legislative branches.
For each issue and each state, we are researching legislative champions, close elections, political positions of their Members of Congress, local and state coalitions, and relevant local and state data.
Collaborating with established partners
Zetas in Action is intentional about building off of the outstanding work that has been done in our communities by numerous organizations and community leaders. We will be connecting with established partners to discuss working together on our grassroots lobbying efforts.
“It's not just about demanding justice, but creating a world where justice is the norm.”
— Anita Hill, American attorney, professor, and activist, and honorary member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
Contact Zetas in Action
Feel free to contact us at the information below.